Getting Here

You will find us just some 2.4 kilometres from the city centre.
Entrance via the western gate from Ujazdowskie Avenue (advised)
Nearest bus stops:
Łazienki Królewskie bus stop – Ujazdowskie Ave. (some 100 metres from the western gate), buses 116, 166, 180, 195
Plac na Rozdrożu bus stop – Ujazdowskie Ave. (some 700 metres from entrance gate), buses 116, 166, 180, 195, 503, E-2
Plac na Rozdrożu bust stop – Szucha Ave. (some 600 metres from entrance gate), bus 222
Plac na Rozdrożu bust stop – Armii Ludowej Ave. (some 700 metres from entrance gate), buses 107, 138, 143, 151, 159, 182, 187, 188, 411, 502, 514, 520, 523, 525
ATTENTION: the bus stop is not wheelchair accessible (stairs)
Entrance via northern gate (Myśliwiecka St.) and southern gate (Gagarina St.) - advised for visitors travelling by car
Northern gate – Myśliwiecka St.
Nearest bus stops:
Agrykola bus stop – Myśliwiecka St. (250 metres from entrance gate), buses - 108, 162
ATTENTION: the bus stop is not wheelchair accessible (stairs)
Szwoleżerów bus stop (some 700 metre from entrance gate), buses 107, 108, 141, 159, 162, 185, 187
Southern gate – Gagarina St.
Spacerowa bus stop (some 250 metres from entrance gate from north-bound bus stop and some 400 metres from south-bound bus stop), buses 131, 167, 168, 180