We are extremely pleased that you have decided to visit us and we wish you an enjoyable stay on the premises of the Royal Łazienki. For the sake of your safety and for the preservation of nature, the art works and architecture as well as for the comfort of other visitors, you are requested to comply with the present Rules:
1.1. ‘The Rules for Visiting the Royal Łazienki Museum in Warsaw’ (later: ‘The Rules’), issued by the Director of the Museum, set out the rules for:
– visiting to the facilities on the premises of the Museum;
– visiting permanent and temporary exhibitions;
– entry fees.
1.2. The Royal Łazienki Museum (later: ‘The Museum’) is the summer residence of King Stanisław August, featuring a palace and garden character. It covers an area of 76 hectares and is situated in the southern part of Śródmieście district of Warsaw. The historic gardens comprise 18th- and 19th-century historic sites, including the Palace on the Isle, the Old Orangery with the Royal Theatre, the Myślewicki Palace, the White Pavilion, the Officer Cadets School, the Water Tower, the Cantonists’ Barracks, the Kubicki Stables and the New Orangery.
1.3. The following permanent exhibitions are displayed at the Museum: The Royal Picture Gallery, The Royal Sculpture Gallery, The Royal Gallery of Prints and The Polish Sculpture Gallery, as well as exhibitions organised at the Museum of Hunting and Horsemanship Branch and temporary exhibitions. The educational zones are located in the Old Guardhouse, the New Palm House and the Moulding Shop in the Old Orangery.
1.4. In the gardens there are statues and sculptures, including the famous Fryderyk Chopin Monument.
The historic buildings of the Museum and the Garden are listed in the Register of Monuments and entered on the list of Historic Sites. They are subject to legal protection in accordance with the Act of 23 July 2003 on the Protection and Care for Historical Monuments and other applicable provisions of law.
3.1. Admission to the Garden is free of charge.
3.2. The Rules for Visiting the Garden are available on the webpage: regulamin-ogrodow.
4.1. Entry tickets and passes or invitations are valid for permanent exhibitions and temporary exhibitions in:
- The Old Orangery,
- The White House,
- The Water Tower,
- The Palace on the Isle,
- The Myślewicki Palace,
- The Officer Cadets School, The Museum of Hunting and Horsemanship Branch: The Cantonists’ Barracks, the Kubicki Stables.
4.2. Current prices of the tickets and passes can be found at the ticket offices and on the Museum webpage: cennik.
4.3. Under the “Accessible Culture” programme of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, children and young learners (up to 26 year of age) can buy tickets for 1 zloty.
4.4. The Museum accepts the Large Family Card, the ISIC Card (International Student Identity Card) and the Warsaw Pass.
5.1. On Fridays, admission to the historic sites is free of charge; visitors can enter directly the site; tickets need not to be collected at the ticket offices. Tours are conducted individually, without a guide or booking.
5.2. Guided group tours and booked tours are possible on Friday only in special cases, with the approval of the Director of the Museum Groups participating in paid educational activities are an exception.
5.3. To obtain the consent mentioned in clause 5.2, please:
- send a request for consent to: recepcja@lazienki-krolewskie.pl, sekretariat@lazienki-krolewskie.pl;
- submit a written request at the Museum’s Reception.
6.1. Visitors enter the exhibitions on the basis of purchased tickets or passes, which are available at all ticket offices and in the ticket machines at the Museum.
6.2. Tickets for the Museum’s events are available online and at the ticket offices.
6.3. Visually impaired visitors, wheelchair users or those with mobility issues can purchase an entry ticket directly from a Museum employee at selected sites.
6.4. The Director of the Museum fixes the admission fees to the Museum facilities. The price list including fees and concessions and a list of persons entitled to concessions was adopted on the basis of a separate Order and is available on the webpage: cennik.
6.5. Exemption from admission fees to the Museum buildings is granted to persons mentioned in Article 10, paragraph 3b of the Museums Act of 21 November 1996. Information about visitors exempted from the fees is available on the webpage: cennik.
6.6. Documents entitling a visitor to purchase a discounted ticket must be presented before purchase.
7.1. The historic sites are open to the public from Tuesday to Sunday during the times provided on the webpage: godziny-otwarcia.
7.2. The Museum reserves the right to close its facilities to the public on certain holidays and other days around the holidays pursuant to a decision of the Director of the Museum. Relevant information will be posted on the Museum’s webpage: godziny-otwarcia.
7.3. Tickets and passes are sold no later than 40 minutes before the closing time of the Museum facilities.
7.4. The last entry to the facilities is 30 minutes before closing time.
8.1. Additional information on organised concerts, lectures, exhibitions and other events open to the public is posted on the Museum’s webpage: lazienki-krolewskie.pland on the Museum’s Facebook and Instagram.
8.2. Free programmes of current events at the Museum and guides to the educational activities are available at the ticket offices.
8.3. The Museum reserves the right to temporarily close the historic buildings to the public due to events organised at the Museum. Relevant information will be posted on the Museum’s webpage: godziny-otwarcia.
9.1. All historic buildings can be visited individually or in organised groups. Visits can be booked only for groups with guides.
9.2. For safety and conservation reasons, the maximum number of persons allowed in groups of visitors depends on the specific nature of the building and the spaces made available; it is set individually for each building or exhibition. Information on maximum numbers of visitors in the facilities is available on the website: lazienki-krolewskie.pl.
9.3. Larger groups are divided according to the visiting capacity of individual historic sites.
9.4. In the case of groups visiting several sites, the applicable lowest number of visitors who can enter the interiors should be taken into account. A group can also be divided before entering a smaller facility.
9.5. Organised groups of people under 16 years of age may only visit the facilities when accompanied by their guardians.
9.6. School groups can stay on the premises of the Museum only under the care/supervision of a teacher/carer.
9.7. Groups can visit the historic buildings with their own guide or hire a guide from the guide agency cooperating with the Museum.
9.8. The use of guiding services available at the Museum is subject to a fee.
9.9. Reservations for organised groups are accepted by email: rezerwacje@lazienki-krolewskie.pl.
9.10. On the premises of the Museum free WiFi is available to visitors.
10.1. Visitors entering the historic buildings and their luggage may be inspected with the use of electronic devices to detect hazardous materials and objects.
10.2. During the tour visitors must follow the instructions given by the Museum staff.
10.3. In the interiors of the Museum buildings, the one-way visiting route should be followed. This rule does not apply to educational activities.
10.4. Large bags, rucksacks, suitcases, umbrellas and Nordic-walking poles must be left in the cloakroom, which is free of charge.
10.5. At the request of a Museum employee, visitors are required to wear shoe protectors.
10.6. Damage caused by persons under care/supervision is the responsibility of their supervisors.
11.1. The guide is responsible for the discipline of the groups being guided.
11.2. In particular, the guide should:
- before entering a permanent exhibition or temporary exhibition: discuss the rules of behaviour in historic interiors (including: turning off or muting mobile phones, not talking on the phone, not touching exhibits, not using flash when taking photos);
- conduct the tour only following designated routes and obey the instructions and orders of the staff during guided tours;
- take action in all cases of inappropriate behaviour on the part of the guided persons;
- the guide is not allowed to violate the established order of visits, dates and times of access to the interiors, in particular the times of entry to individual permanent exhibitions and temporary exhibitions;
- a guide leading a group of more than 10 people is obliged to use the GTS headphone system;
- a guide conducting a tour of the permanent exhibition and the temporary exhibitions should wear a badge.
11.3. The guide and the guided visitors must not:
- block touring routes, access to individual interiors or escape routes;
- block or obstruct visits by individuals, children and young people attending museum lessons or members of other visitor groups.
12.1. Every person visiting the Museum must observe the safety rules set out in the Rules and the instructions of the staff.
12.2. In the Museum historic buildings you are not allowed:
- to carry firearms;
- to bring in dangerous and sharp objects;
- to enter with or bring in animals (excluding guide dogs);
- to smoke tobacco and electronic cigarettes;
- to eat and drink;
- to bring in and consume alcohol or narcotics and visit the facilities under the influence of alcohol or narcotics;
- to conduct phone conversations using mobile devices;
- to touch exhibits and interior design elements and walls;
- to sit on the furniture and damage the Museum’s furnishings;
- to run, jump and slide on the floors, sloping and steep surfaces;
- to behave loudly, to disturb other visitors;
- to create hazardous situations;
- to carry out commercial, advertising activities or political campaigning;
- to photograph and film indoors with the use of flashes, additional lighting, tripods and other accessories necessary for professional photography and filming; with the exception of sessions for which the Museum has given prior written consent;
- to photograph and film security system components at exhibits and in exhibition halls.
12.3. In the event of damage/destruction to an exhibit, the visitor or the person responsible for supervising the perpetrator of the damage shall bear the costs of restoration the exhibit.
13.1. The rules for photography and filming on Museum premises are set out in the current photography and filming regulations available on the Museum webpage: regulamin-fotografowania-i-filmowania.
13.2. Photography and filming must not disrupt the tourist traffic or disturb other visitors.
13.3. The Museum reserves the right to prohibit the taking of photographs of historical exhibits that do not belong to the Museum.
14.1. You may be asked to leave the Museum premises if:
- you not comply with these Rules;
- you behave in a manner that poses a threat to the safety of the collections or other visitors and Museum staff; you are under the influence of alcohol or narcotic substances, you violate the general standards of behaviour in public places.
14.2. In the cases described in clause 14.1, visitors are not entitled to a refund of the ticket price.
15.1. The Royal Łazienki Museum in Warsaw is monitored by means of a video surveillance system and protected by the Internal Security Service – the Museum Guard and employees of a specialist security company.
15.2. The purpose of video surveillance is:
- to increase the level of safety of visitors to the Museum, the facilities;
- to secure the property against theft and vandalism;
- to protect against activities that may cause damage to the Museum.
15.3. Visitors are obliged to follow the instructions given by the staff, also in matters that are not described in the Rules.
15.4. In the event of dangerous emergencies, visitors are obliged to obey the instructions of the Museum staff or the Museum Guard. In this case, the Museum reserves the right to discontinue any visits at the exhibition.
15.5. In the event of an announcement of evacuation, all persons on the premises are obliged to leave the premises immediately by the nearest evacuation exit and to obey the instructions of Museum staff and the Museum guards.
The statutory activities of the Museum are carried out on the basis of the following laws and their implementing regulations:
- The Act of 25 October 1991 on the Organisation and Conduct of Cultural Activity (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 194);
- The Museums Act of 21 November 1996 (Journal of Laws of 2022, item 385);
- The Act of 23 July 2003 on the Protection and Care for Historical Monuments (Journal of Laws of 2022, item 840);
- Statute of the Royal Łazienki Museum in Warsaw, granted by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage on 22 December 2017 (Journal of Laws of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of 2017, item 92).
Entering the premises of the Museum is tantamount to accepting these Rules.
We will appreciate any comments relating to your visit and we remain open to any remarks or suggestions. Please email us at: recepcja@lazienki-krolewskie.pl or send us a letter to: Muzeum Łazienki Królewskie w Warszawie, ul. Agrykola 1, 00-460 Warszawa.