Come and enjoy the "Admission Free November" event, during which you will have the opportunity to take tours of the Royal Łazienki without paying entry fees. Numerous attractions under the slogan "Where the History Happens" are proposed to visitors – including family workshops, classes in the moulding shop, displays of historical costumes, group singing, as well as museum lessons.
This year’s Admission Free November will be held under the slogan: "Where the History Happens".
What to Visit? When, and How?
At the Royal Łazienki, you might want to see precious collections and monuments: The Palace on the Isle with the Royal Picture Gallery, the Old Orangery with the Royal Theatre and the Royal Sculpture Gallery, as well as the Myślewicki Palace.
The three current temporary exhibitions are also worth seeing: "Portrait of a Patrician Family" by Abraham van den Tempel, displayed in the Royal Picture Gallery in the Palace on the Isle, as part of the exhibition of one painting; "Kościuszko in West Point" by Bolesław Jan Czedekowski, in the Dining Room of the Palace on the Isle, as part of the exhibition of one painting; and "Bath Country, Bathing Culture", contemporary Hungarian painting from the collection of Völgyi-Skonda, displayed in the Officer Cadets School.
We invite visitors for admission free visits of buildings and temporary exhibitions from 2 until 30 November 2017: on Mondays, from 10.00 to 14.00, and from Tuesday to Sunday, from 10.00 to 18.00 (buildings will also be open on 11 November – the Independence Day). Free tickets are available in respective buildings and in the ticket offices of the Royal Łazienki.
In addition, throughout November, the Royal Łazienki will be the venue of numerous events organized under the slogan "Where the History Happens". They have been grouped by categories divided into: painting, writing, sculpture, and the history of Poland.
1. Lively Walks for Children Aged 1-10
18 November, 11.00-13.00, Palace on the Isle
19 November, 11.00-13.00, Palace on the Isle
25 November, 11.00-13.00, Royal Sculpture Gallery in the Old Orangery
26 November, 11.00-13.00, Royal Theatre in the Old Orangery
Children and their guardians are invited to take part in strolls around the fascinating nooks and corners of the Royal Łazienki. The route will pass through the Palace on the Isle, the Royal Theatre, and the Royal Sculpture Gallery in the Old Orangery. Our youngest visitors will discover various attractions, including pathways once walked by King Stanisław August and his entourage.
2. Soap Bubble Flash Mob
18 November, 13.00, terrace of the Palace on the Isle
This event is dedicated to all visitors who would like to play in the open air together. Each participant of the flash mob will receive tools for blowing soap bubbles in order to start making them upon the sound of a bell. Once hundreds, maybe even thousands of colourful bubbles fill the Łazienki gardens, children and their guardians will embark on a search for bubble-related attractions, hidden among the trees.
3. Meeting With Plersch
2-30 November, every day, 11.00, 14.00, 16.00, assembly point: Old Orangery
Tours of the exhibition, "In the Realm of Art. Jan Bogumił Plersch – Court Painter of King Stanisław August", organized in the form of a walk around the buildings decorated by Jan Bogumił Plersch. The participants will visit the Palace on the Isle, the Royal Theatre in the Old Orangery, the White Pavilion, and the Myślewicki Palace.
1. Letters from Łazienki
6, 13, 20 November, 11.00-13.00, Palace on the Isle, Balcony Room, calligrapher: Dorota Letachowicz
8, 15, 22 November, 16.00-18.00, Palace on the Isle, Balcony Room, calligrapher: Jolanta Drozd
10, 24 November, 16.00-18.00, Palace on the Isle, Round Study, calligrapher: Maja Kobylińska
During the meetings with royal calligraphers, children, adolescents and adults will have a chance to try their hand at the demanding, but truly gracious art of calligraphy, and transfer onto paper anything that comes to their mind.
2. In the Realm of Writing, workshops for families with children aged 6-10
25 November, 14.00, Old Guardhouse – the Element of Water
25 November, 15.00, Old Guardhouse – the Element of Fire
Admission: edukacja@lazienki-krolewskie.pl, tel. (+48) 22 50 60 183
The participants of the classes will compose stories, inspired by tales about the four elements written by poet and writer Jarosław Mikołajewski. The children will later receive them as gifts, and their own original stories will be published on the blog of the Education Centre of the Royal Łazienki Museum.
1. Presentations in the Royal Moulding Shop
9, 16, 30 November, 11.30, 12.00, 12.30, 13.00, 14.30, 15.00, 15.30, 16.00, moulding shop in the Old Orangery
5, 19, 26 November, 14.30, 15.00, 15.30, 16.00, moulding shop in the Old Orangery
During the presentation of the process of making plaster casts in the Royal moulding shop, our educators will unveil the secrets of the craft of a 18th century artist, and explain why plaster casts were so prevalent in the collections of Stanisław August.
1. Group Singing on the Independence Day
11 November, 15.30, 16.00, 16.30, Palace on the Isle
If you have ever wondered what it would be like to be part of a choir, feel invited to take part in the group singing of patriotic songs.
2. Face to Face with the Stanislavian Period – presentations of costumes from the period
5, 12, 19, 26 November, 10.00-18.00, Myślewicki Palace
The re-enactment group of the "Arsenał" association will present uniforms and costumes from 1780-1794. Visitors will have a chance to see noble ladies, officers, a needlewoman and a soldier, who will talk about their costumes and acquaint the guests with the functions of objects of every-day use from the Stanislavian era.
3. 4th International Ignacy Jan Paderewski Festival
4-10 November, Royal Łazienki
Jazz concert, piano recital, Spanish evening, and musical meetings for children – these are the main events of the 4th International Ignacy Jan Paderewski Festival Other attractions will include discussions about the work of the famous Polish pianist, composer, activist, and statesman.
4. PhD Symposium on the 253rd Anniversary of the Crowning of Stanisław August
24 November, 18.00-20.00, Palace on the Isle
Young researchers specializing in the Stanislavian times will talk about Stanisław August from the eve of the second partition of Poland, the King’s purchases of works of art, and about the art of engraving in the 18th century.
5. Admission Free Museum Lessons
2-30 November, Royal Łazienki
Children and adolescents are invited to free museum lessons, whose topics will include the November Uprising, the Enlightenment, the Thursday Dinners, as well as the figures of Paderewski and Kościuszko.
6. Lectures
8 November 2017, 18.00, Palace on the Isle
Naruszewicza i Kamieńskiego ‘Kantata w dzień inauguracji statui króla Jana III dnia 14 września roku 1788’, czyli jak Stanisław August świętował spóźnione stulecie wiktorii wiedeńskiej (Cantata on the Day of the Inauguration of the Statue of John III on 14 September 1788 by Naruszewicz and Kamieński, or How Stanisław August Celebrated the Belated Centennial of the Vienna Victory), lecture by Professor Alina Żórawska-Witkowska, as part of the series, "The Reasons of the Heart and Mind. About the Music of the 18th Century", accompanied by a concert.
9 November, 18.00, Palace on the Isle
Presentation of the reconstructed 18th century commode owned by Stanisław August, accompanied with a seminar on the furniture of the last King of Poland.
15 November, 18.00, Palace on the Isle
Nieudolność czy fatum? Dlaczego Czartoryscy nie uratowali Rzeczypospolitej? (Ineptitude or Fate? Why the Czartoryski Family Failed to Save Poland), lecture by Professor Zofia Zielińska, as part the series, "Could it Save Itself? The Republic in the 18th Century".
22 November, 18.00, Palace on the Isle
Niech groby naszych tyranów znikną... O wandalizmie rewolucji francuskiej (Let the Graves of our Tyrants Disappear... On the Vandalism of the French Revolution), lecture by Paweł Migasiewicz, PhD, as part of the series, "Dark Sides of the Enlightenment".
23 November, 18.00, Palace on the Isle
Królowi zabrakło tabakierek, czyli co Plersch robił w Kaniowie (The King Ran Out Snuff Boxes, or What Plersch Did in Kaniów), lecture by Professor Andrzej Pieńkos and Piotr Skowroński, accompanying the exhibition, "In the Realm of Art. Jan Bogumił Plersch – Court Painter of King Stanisław August".