Join us for a new series of lectures at the Royal Łazienki, which will be an opportunity to discover the dark sides of the Enlightenment and rethink the period of modernity.
The lectures from the series "Dark Sides of the Enlightenment" will take place in the Royal Łazienki from 11 October 2017 to 20 June 2018. The eight meetings will concern the dark, scandalous and irrational visions of great and forgotten artists and thinkers – seemingly going against the grain of the Enlightenment and its main, rational message. Were their actions and proclamations nothing more than a second, dark side of the historic era, or were they rather its necessary complement, or a legitimate reaction to the ideas of the Enlightenment?
During the lectures, we will hear about such personalities as for instance Mozart, Goya and Piranesi. The series has been conceived as an open-ended tale – a sequence of encounters with fascinating phenomena, compelling one to rethink the birth of the modern era.
11 October 2017, 18.00, Royal Theatre, Old Orangery – Mozart i czarodziejski fartuszek. Światło i mrok (Mozart and the Magic Apron. Light and Darkness), a debate between Professor Irena Poniatowska and Professor Tadeusz Cegielski, held to inaugurate two new series of lectures, Mroczne sprawy Oświecenia (Dark Sides of the Enlightenment) and Racja serca i umysłu. O muzyce XVIII stulecia (Reasons of the Heart and the Mind. About the Music of the 18th Century).
22 November 2017, 18.00, Palace on the Isle – Niech groby naszych tyranów znikną... O wandalizmie rewolucji francuskiej (Let the Graves of our Tyrants Disappear... On the Vandalism of the French Revolution), lecture by Paweł Migasiewicz, PhD.
24 January 2018, 18.00, Palace on the Isle – Rozkoszna trwoga.
O początkach osiemnastowiecznej estetyki wzniosłości i Alpach (Delightful Horror. On the Beginnings of the 18th century Aesthetics of the Sublime and the Alps), lecture by Jacek Jaźwierski, PhD.
14 February 2018, 18.00, Palace on the Isle, Malarstwo ruin, wykopalisk, katastrof i więzień. O przyjemnych obrazach Huberta Roberta (Paintings of Ruins, Excavations, Catastrophes and Prisons. On the Pleasant Paintings by Hubert Robert), lecture by Professor Andrzej Pieńkos.
7 March 2018, 18.00. Officer Cadets School – Między tragedią a dekadencją. O egzotycznej idylli Bernardina de Saint-Pierre (Between Tragedy and Decadence. On the Exotic Idyll of Bernardin de Saint-Pierre), lecture by Professor Izabela Zatorska.
11 April 2018, 18.00, Palace on the Isle – panel discussion entitled Mroczne Oświecenie (The Dark Enlightenment).
9 May 2018, 18.00, Palace on the Isle – Mroki występku, światłość poznania. O efektach i afektach architektury doby Oświecenia (The Shadows of Mischief, the Light of Knowledge. On the Effects and Affections of the Architecture of the Enlightenment), lecture by Professor Gabriela Świtek.
20 June 2018, 18.00, Palace on the Isle – Fantasmagorie, projekcje… O wymyślaniu Szekspira u antycznych ruin i podobnych szaleństwach doby Oświecenia (Phantasmagoria, Projections... About Envisioning Shakespeare at the Ancient Ruins and Other Mad Inventions of the Enlightenment), lecture by Professor Andrzej Pieńkos.