The Dressing Room
Unfortunately, the furnishings of the room from the times of king Stanisław August have not survived. It is then worth mentioning some information contained in the inventory of 1795, which might be an indication of the furniture used in the room (original wording):
"Szafa … pięć pułek maiąca z podwoynemi drzwiami na Zawiasach (Wardrobe ... with five shelves and a double door on hinges);
Stolik na Czterech nóżkach, na którym trophea muzykalne (A table on four small foot, with musical trophies on it);
Stół, pod którym łożko wysuwaiące się z Materacem z Siennikiem y Wałem (A table, under which there is a sliding bed with a mattress, a bedstick and a bolster)".
During the day, the bed was covered with a red and white checked cloth.
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