Thermal upgrade of the former Inn

The Former Inn in the Royal Łazienki has become a more environmentally friendly building. The thermal upgrade design was implemented with a contribution from the European funds transferred to the Museum by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management.
The co-financing agreement for the project "Thermal Upgrade of the Former Inn in the Royal Łazienki Museum" was signed on 14 February 2017. Its value amounted to 1,496,424.38 zlotys, including eligible expenditure of 1,216,605.19 zlotys, with EU co-funding amounting to 747,847.21 zlotys. Total actually incurred expenditure: 1,450,396.44 zlotys, including eligible costs - 1,177,594.67 zlotys, and the amount of EU co-funding - 723,867.44 zlotys.
The former Inn is a building situated at the intersection of Agrykoli, Szwolażerów and Myśliwiecka streets. It was erected in the early 1770s, and in the second half of the 19th century, it underwent a major alteration. It functioned as an inn, also known as "Austeria".
The work in the Former Inn were carried out in the years 2017-2019 and covered among other things: The roof thermal insulation, replacement of window and door carpentry, modernisation of the central heating and hot water systems and installation of an energy-efficient lighting system. As a result, the building now consumes less energy and the need for non-renewable fuels for the heating and lighting systems has been reduced. Renewable sources of energy are used – solar energy from photovoltaic panels. This enabled to reduce the operating costs of the Museum and decrease the level of pollution emitted to the atmosphere. Furthermore, the project allowed to improve the aesthetics of the Former Inn and its functionality.
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