"Track the Tree!". Second edition of the family field game

Did you know that there are more than 9.500 trees in the Royal Gardens? We chose eleven original trees for you to track. Follow the ribbons.
By solving riddles, rebuses and puzzles, you will learn a lot of dendrological secrets. You will find out what you can do with cork, which tree is one of the tallest in the Łazienki Park, and what tree leaf appears on a coin. Take part in the game with the whole family and discover the amazing world hidden in the green treetops!
Information for the carers:
- The game is a great idea for spending time together with your family in the bosom of nature. Print out the manual in advance and put it together with a pen in an envelope. Arrange its ceremonial opening at the start of the game in the Łazienki gardens. You can also open the game card on your phones or tablets or download it from the museum's cash desk. Remember to bring a pen to write letters with you.
- The game may take from one to two hours depending on the age of participants, so bring a small snack and water with you. It is also worth remembering about insect spray.
- The game will be even more interesting if you collect cones, flowers, nuts, seeds, pieces of bark or leaves lying on the ground. Take a bag or a backpack for nature specimens with you.
- As you move from point to point, you can use magnifiers or binoculars.
- Ribbons hanging on branches or girdling tree trunks are used to determine the location of a given task, there is no need to touch them.
The game "Track the Tree!" was inspired by the book ‘The Museum of Marvels. A Painting Guide to the Royal Łazienki’.
When: June 1-4, 2023,10.00-18.00
Where: the Royal Gardens; you can find out about the gardens’ regulations here
Admission: free
Requirements: a game card with instructions for the game to be carried out on your own is available on the Museum website and may be taken free of charge at the ticket offices in the Old Orangery (side entrance) and in the Officer Cadets School (ticket office)
Additional information: rezerwacje@lazienki-krolewskie.pl