The Night of Museums in the Royal Łazienki
Visitors are invited to the Royal Łazienki for the Night of Museums on 20 May 2017. During several evening hours, it will be possible to see the Royal Łazienki in an interesting, nocturnal perspective. Numerous attractions await visitors, including a concert by the Motion Trio band.
The Night of Museums will start in the Royal Łazienki at 7:00 p.m. and it will last until 2:00 a.m (the last entrance - 1:30 a.m.). The Old Orangery with the Royal Sculpture Gallery and They Royal Theatre, and the Palace on the Isle with the Royal Picture Gallery will be open to visitors.
In addition to permanent displays, enjoy the exhibition of one painting to contemplate ‘Ariadne Abandoned by Theseus’, a masterpiece by Angelica Kauffmann. The painting originates from the Dresden State Art Collections (Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden).
An exhibition devoted to the 250-year history of the Polish Mint will be presented in the Old Orangery.
Among the main attractions of the evening will be the concert of Motion Trio, which will start in the Amphitheatre at 9:30 p.m. The band consists of three musicians, who play the accordion in an unconventional fashion – by taking advantage of new techniques of producing sound and with acoustic effects without the use electronics.
The Motion Trio concert will be enriched with multimedia projections based on the paintings by Jacek Sroka, made with the help of Jarosław Migoń. Each of the songs performed by the accordion players will be accompanied with moving, projected images.
In the Royal Theatre, on the other hand, the Jazz Trio of Marcin Masecki, one of the most creative and original musicians of the young generation, will give a performance at 23.00.
The initiative ‘Weave a Song For Yourself’ will also have a musical character. Join the educators from the Museum Education Centre for joint singing in the Old Guardhouse, from 19.00 to 21.30.
Another attraction of the Night of Museums will be the performance of the members of the "Arsenał" society dressed in outfits from the era of the Enlightenment as well as actors in historical costumes prepared by the Jeziorska&Łęczycka duo.